Previous Artwork AllAcrylicsColored PencilsEtchingsGouacheLithographsMiniaturesMixed MediaMonoprintsOil on CanvasOil PastelsWatercolours The Barens Port Union Factory and Press Forget Me Nots The Fathomless Bounty Forget-Me-Not: Right Whale At the Edge of the Sea Atlantic Cod (Gadusmorhua) Ducks to the Shore Port Rexton Sally’s She Shed Santas Printshop Nat and Jane Ann’s Grocery Sally’s House Little Catalina Stage Root Cellar: Elliston Champney’s West: Grey Boat Beverly’s House After A Summer Rain English Home Number 4 Summer Forget-Me-Nots Forget-Me-Not Purple Lily Green Lily Blue Lily Past Memories Shed Waiting Never Forget One Forget-Me-Nots For Jackie Blue Bells On Purple Lilly Magnified Tea Time in Trinity Devouring Beauty Fishing Book Pennys’ Home in England A Quiet Morning The Train Station House Around the Bay: Glover Town Daffodils Bunyan’s Cove The 25th Anniversary Bunyan’s Cove Boats on Dock Woodypoint White House Trinity Hiscock House Trinity Crafts Trinity Treasures Tablelands II The Tablelands Sunflower Encoded Status and Sunflowers Replaced Storm Brewing Over Grey House Forgotten Roots Flying Orchids Flatrock Day Lillies and Daisy’s Davids’ Boat Coleus Church Road Trinity Pennys’ House Chapney’s East Casa Grande Amarillis Woman Amarillis Yellow Orchid White Orchid II White Orchid I Virgin Iris Sunflowers From My Garden Reaching for Light Peonies and Roses A Pitcher Plant for Paula On the Wind Mine, Mine, Mine Joanne and Julia Fireworks Middle Cove Beach Gourds Getting Ready for Tea Gathering the Dead Garden Sunflower First Iris Small Fallen Fence Bay Bulls Center Sunflower On the Edge: Bell Island Tulips Sunflower Pinware River: Labrador Newfoundland Cottage II Newfoundland Cottage I Iris in Bunyan’s Cove Iris in Front of Window Bridgett’s Still Life Pulling Together On The Way Home The Medusa factor The Deep Blue Ocean Oblivious to the News Over The River Dragon Fly Nights Dads Saw Pink Lilies Maple Leaves Chestnut Leaves Garden Handprint Cedar in the Background Lost Cod Hawkweed Forget-me-nots Buttercups Southern Shore On the way to St. Anthony Iris In The Sun Gross Morne Atlantic Cod Amorillis In The Kitchen Forgotten Flowers A whale Swims By Begonias Roses A Pink Day Dancing Adjusted A Summers Day Hiding Behind a Rock Irises In My Garden Iris Janes Iris Kings Point Start of Summer