Jamaica was the last thing on my mind when it came to going on a vacation in February. However, I knew my partner in crime wanted to go somewhere really warm. His idea of a great vacation is to sit around, read and soak up the warmth. Me, I’d rather go see things, historical things, churches, architecture, galleries, grave yards, villages, crafts, shopping, and loving music. Sooooo, off we go to Jamaica. I figure, he’s put up with me going gaga over Museums and Galleries…soooo…I can put up with hot, hot weather.
Once again we are on the plane and on the way to Toronto for our first and only stop. Yeaaaa Haaaa on another adventure. I’m just glad to get off the “Rock’.
Here’s Chris all ready to go for our fight to Jamaica. We’re having lunch at the Toronto Airport waiting for our next adventure. He’s so excited about going, he can’t wait. I’m kinda ….ach..such is life..big whoop.
Me in Toronto Airport.
We were happy and we had a wonderful flight into Jamaica. I was starting to get excited, knowing how Chris will react to the weather. I just hoped it wasn’t raining.
Here we are, Jamaica…”Mon” as they would say. It was awesome to get back on the ground and heading towards our hotel. We were both excited and I was so glad that we had the afternoon to explore. Yeaaa!!
We arrived at our hotel “Sea Garden Resort”. It’s a small place with about 160 rooms. The beach is across the road and is surrounded by a walled beach area. Very private and well secured. It was heaven.
When we entered the lobby which was open to the air..what doors???? who needs doors in this weather…Yea!! We were greeted with a nice cold, strong rum and fruit concoction which was soooooo refreshing. We also were given a nice cold face cloth to wipe our hands and face just to refresh from the long weary travel. Hey, great touch…they really know how to get ya right at the beginning. Ya gotta love it!!
Here is the view from our Balcony which faces the sea. It was so nice. As you can see the area for the Sea Garden Inn was across the street. It was strictly monitored. There were some people who wanted to sell you items but they were not pushy.
This was one of many entertainers that were booked over the week we were there. They do rotate from week to week.
The entertainment was great but the hosts T-Rex and Dominic were phenomenal. Such energy, agility and down right great sense of humour. They were such a joy to have both during the day and night. The place didn’t stop. However, music was finished at 10:00 p.m. and moved to a spot inside one of the bars until midnight. It was very quiet after 10 p.m.
I’m in heaven here with my very first day on the beach sitting on a lounge chair under a palm tree. The bar is up one level behind me and all we had to do was ask for drinks and they would appear. However, Chris was the one who usually got our drinks. Not much of a drinker during the day but I would have one and then soda water. Swimming was just a few steps away and it was wonderful.
Here’s Chris telling a story of some sort so I caught him off guard. He loved reading and relaxing for the whole of our vacation. I read and did some sketching. It was heaven sitting under this palm tree.
This palm was very short and did a great job of casting shade. This was my very favourite spot.
We had an Italian dinner date and it was very special. Generally, food was served buffet style but this was a sit down affair tha we had to sign up for. The food was great and we felt comfortable since we were getting to know the staff and guests
Our next adventure took us away from Sea Garden Inn. We went a little inland and had a great tour guide on the buss. Being on the buss was another adventure to be remembered. “Hilly Billy” was a chatter all the way to the River Raft. A nice slow float down a slow shallow river. The foliage and fauna was fascinating and this was a very relaxing experience. We were not here for rough activity. I managed to shop when we got there and bought two nice tropical dresses…I loved them. I also was able to talk to the gardener there and he answered some of my questions.
Or: Ti Plant
I think? Anyone know for sure?
Here we are on the raft. It was rather shallow in some spots and deep in others. Our tour guide was not that informative but the guy behind us kept us up to date. There was a lot of chatter going on between them. They all created beautiful engraved gourds. Yes, we bought one at the end of the tour…I’m glad we did. Just helping out the economy.
As we passed the shoreline we saw a rather large termite nest hug up in the trees. It was massive. There were also vendors along the shoreline selling snacks, sculptures, t-shirts, water etc. I was so very tempted since there were a few great wood sculptures of animals that I thought were interesting. However, I was not yet familiar with the common trade goods there that are just manufactured and not native original work. These looked as if they were…but who am I to say.
We also saw many wild orchids growing along the branches of trees far up in the canopy of foliage. Such a beautiful day.
A Blue Heron happened to be standing on floating plants looking for food as we passed by. I was lucky to get this shot. There were many more far off to the left of us.
Here we are on the river attempting to shoot a selfie. I am not good at this and must practice.
We had another pleasant day walking down towards Montego Bay. The Jamaicans also love the ocean and families were enjoying the public beach. They had all their car doors open to the side walk and the cars were used like portable campers. They even had extensions on the hatch backs for further shade with little tables and chairs…all make shift.
I had to take a picture of this fruit. I’ve never seen it before. Since I’ve been back from our vacation, I did happen to see someone saying that it’s a great source of vitamin C. Does anyone know what the name of this fruit might be?
As you can see, this Jamaican entrepreneur is selling fruit and providing shade. Once again the cart was made of several different pieces but it worked…that’s the most important part.
We decided to go back to the complex, this was only a block away, and found a nice place under a cabana reading our books and watching the other guest. There was one such young lady being catered to hand over foot he was such a hound dog. She was deva. It was fun to watch. However, we turned our chairs around to give them some privacy…what little was available. What a hoot.
While this was going on and us trying to read, what should show up but the local high school band. They were all dressed up in their uniforms and their Band Leader had them do all kinds of maneuvers. They did very well.
The pink arrow points to the Band Leader.
This young drummer watched his band leader like a hawk.
Here are three friends we met while on our vacation. We had a good time each and every day. We all went shopping the day before we left and we had a good time. I bought a few things for Jane and some reminder of the vacation as did Sharon.
Of course I had to include the sunset from our balcony. It was always such a nice way to end the day. We had a very good time here at the Sea Garden Resort. The staff were wonderful, friendly, helpful and aways smiling. They all seemed to be happy in their work. We were both impressed, since although the staff were friendly they weren’t sappy friendly or hovering. I did enjoy the euphemism used to address women: “Yes, my Lady” it took me by surprise at the very beginning and I didn’t really know what to make of it. However, I said…what the heck, enjoy the moment…leave it, embrace and relax. Which I promptly did.
I thought I’d finally show you the room that was our safe haven during the vacation. It was very comfortable, cool, very clean and the maids were awesome. Such nice people.
This is it, we are on our way home. We loved being here and we had a great time on our vacation. I have to say that my enthusiasm has changed greatly since the very beginning of this trip. I’ve changed my mind about this type of vacation. I can really only handle a week but it’s just the right amount of time to do nothing and love every minute of doing nothing. We both had a blast and are looking forward to February of next year when we go off on another adventure in the tropics. I’m loving it!!!!!!!